Human Emoticons.

I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this… maybe it’s just me, but I think PEOPLE are starting to turn into EMOTICONS!

You know all those instant messaging icons on BBM, What’s app, MSN or whatever… the smiley faces that are supposed to represent human emotions??

It seems that although they were created to show actions and emotions that WE do, we’ve actually reversed it and begun to physically do the actions exactly the way the emoticons are!

I mean, really – before the rise of emoticons, how often would you ever really “FACE PALM” yourself!?!??

(In case you don’t know what a “facepalm” is, its when you take your hand and cover your eyes like “Doh!” – see the emoticon below)

I’ve been noticing these types of things for a while now. People try to turn their mouth into an “s” shape when showing that they’re confused, or stick their tongue out to the side when showing that they’re being silly…EXACTLY the way they are in the smiley faces! I’ve even seen people doing the little dance that the BBM emoticon does:

This weekend, I witnessed a prime example:

I went to surprise my friend Rawan at the airport. As she was coming out from arrivals, she was happily walking along with her head in the clouds, totally thinking no one was coming to pick her up and she needed to take a taxi.  When she saw me standing there, instead of a surprised warm smile or happy face, she immediately froze into the surprised emoticon face with the perfect “o” mouth… in my head I just saw her as a yellow emoticon face!

I guarantee you, if you start paying attention to people’s body language, you will notice that they are slowly becoming Human Emoticons. Heck, you probably even do it yourself without even realizing!!!

Before I leave you with this random outburst of completely useless information, I have one bit of advice that I promise you IS useful:

If you are ever going to facepalm yourself, it is absolutely VITAL that you make sure you REMOVE your glasses first. Otherwise you end up with indents on the sides of your nose, a big red bump on the bridge of your nose, and a MASSIVE headache.

Happy emoticoning 😀